Why Autumn Blaze® Red Maple Trees?
Imagine eye-catching, reliable red fall color that's second to none - with our Autumn Blaze® Red Maple, you'll get amazing hues and more. And thanks to its fast growth, with gains of 3 to 5 feet per year or more, that dazzling fall show is just a click away.
What else makes the Autumn Blaze® a must-have? It boasts insect and disease resistance in a uniform silhouette - with minimal mess after its leaves drop in the fall. The Autumn Blaze® is truly one-of-a-kind.
It's no wonder why the Autumn Blaze® Red Maple is one of the most popular new tree introductions in history. Best of all, you can plant it and forget it. Because of its hassle-free maintenance, it thrives without much fuss. And these trees aren't bothered by car exhaust, so they're perfect for planting along neighborhood streets. Even better, they adapt to a large range of soil conditions and climates.
Why FastGrowingTrees.com is Better
A hybrid of two famous trees, the red and silver maples, the Autumn Blaze® Red Maple captures the two trees' quality characteristics: Brilliant color, dense branching, and an amazing growth rate. You get these amazing characteristics because we've planted and grown your Autumn Blaze® for the best possible benefits. You'll reap the rewards of our hard work at the nursery with the Autumn Blaze® in your landscape.
We give the Autumn Blaze® our highest recommendation. And landscapers have put this tree in short supply, so we recommend you order while supplies are available. Own an Autumn Blaze® Red Maple Tree of your own!
1. Planting: Allow lots of room for your Autumn Blaze® Maple to grow. Also, select a location with full sun (6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day) and well-drained soil. When you're ready to plant, dig a hole that's twice as wide and just as deep as the root ball. Place the Autumn Blaze® Maple inside, holding it straight, and cover with soil. Tamp down as you fill to avoid any air pockets from forming, and water the planting site and cover with mulch to conserve soil moisture.
2. Watering: Rainwater should be enough but in times of drought, or heat, you may want to add a little extra watering to your usual routine. If you're not sure when to water, simply check the soil about 2 inches down - if the soil is dry at this depth, it's time to water.
3. Fertilizing: Autumn Blaze® Maples typically do best when nitrogen levels are high; therefore, look for fertilizer bags that have high first numbers, such as 16-4-8 or 12-4-8 formula combinations.
4. Pruning: Prune maple trees during winter or early spring before bud break, when they are fully dormant. This helps minimize stress on the tree and reduces the risk of disease transmission. Maples can bleed sap heavily if pruned during the growing season (spring and summer). Remove dead or broken branches first. Next, thin out the canopy to allow for better light and air circulation.
Autumn Blaze Maples grow to be around 40-50 feet tall and 30-40 feet wide at maturity.
No, while the Autumn Blaze Maple is a larger tree and therefore has a larger root system, the roots are not considered invasive.
Autumn Blaze Maples reach a mature height of about 40 to 50 feet after approximately 15 to 20 years. If you’d like a more immediate impact now, we recommend ordering our larger sizes.
You can plant any time throughout the year, as long as the ground isn’t frozen. We do recommend planting during the fall, however. Plant yours at least one month before the ground freezes in your region.