Inject some evergreen color into your yard with the Blue Arrow Juniper! This plant’s blue shades offer a unique addition to any yard, and it’s a durable variety that’s resistant to common issues.
This upright columnar has a stunning blue hue that will wow your neighborhood. Evergreen? More like ever-blue! The color of the Blue Arrow Juniper lasts throughout the year, no matter the season.
Create your own privacy hedge with this hardy, narrow tree. Plant near patios, driveways, and so much more for a touch of color and luscious foliage. Plus, this tree is resistant to pests, diseases, and deer, so you can enjoy it for many seasons to come.
The Blue Arrow Juniper is one cold-hardy plant perfect for any small space or container. Get one for your space today!
1. Planting: Junipers thrive in full sun to part sun and adapt to any soil that is well drained. Plant in an area where it can receive full sunlight (between 6-8 hours per day) in adaptable, well-drained soil. Once you've planted the tree, it's recommended to add a layer of mulch approximately 1-2" thick. This will help keep the soil moist, reduce the growth of weeds, and reduce the amount of hand watering needed. However, it's important to keep the mulch from touching the trunk of the tree. Make sure to pull it back an inch or so away from the trunk.
2. Watering: Water your Juniper deeply two to three times per week for the first month or two. Afterward, only water during drought and extreme heat.
3. Fertilizing: Fertilize when planting and yearly in early spring with a slow-release fertilizer. Junipers do like neutral to acidic soil, so if you know you have alkaline soil, choose an acidic fertilizer (most fertilizers for evergreens are acidic). Junipers are great "street shrubs" as they tolerate pollution and salt well.
4. Pruning: Once plants mature, thin them out by pruning them just a little bit to allow air circulation.