Between its long bloom period and heat resistance, the Desert Ruellia is just the plant for low-maintenance gardeners. Consider adding it to your own garden for a burst of color and attractive foliage—without all the fuss!
The Desert Ruellia, also known as Baja Ruellia, grows up 4 feet tall and 5 feet wide, with a robust bloom of delicate purple flowers that will peak in the spring and then again occasionally for the rest of the year.
The best part? The Desert Ruellia can handle hot temperatures with very little water and still grow strong in your yard. Plus, it doesn’t require any fertilizer or have any pest or insect problems!
We love using this plant in borders, garden bedding, or simply to add texture and dimension to your landscape design. Desert Ruellia works well in many garden styles, especially the Mediterranean and garden cottage aesthetic.
Don't wait too long to grab this hardy flowering shrub! Order your Desert Ruellia today!
1. Planting: Plant your Desert Ruellia in well-drained soil that is mixed with compost. Select a location that gets full sun with very little shade.
2. Watering: Water deeply twice a month in the summer and every three weeks in the spring and fall. We suggest putting your garden hose on a moderate trickle and leaving it to saturate the surrounding soil for 15 minutes.
3. Pruning: Every 2-3 years after the last frost, prune your plant back to 1 ½ feet to restore and remove unproductive growth.