The Ice N' Roses® Red Hellebore, commonly called Lenten rose, is a deep red flower with a vibrant yellow center for tons of color! Incorporate this beautiful evergreen plant in your garden, balcony, underplantings or even in hanging baskets.
This ruby red, star-shaped flower is low-maintenance for easy care. And since it's long-blooming, you can enjoy many seasons of jaw-dropping hues, including as early as late winter. Even when this perennial isn't blooming, you'll enjoy its evergreen foliage.
Plus, this plant is shade-tolerant and cold-hardy so you can grow it in just about any environment. It's an evergreen perennial that'll liven up any green space, indoors or outdoors.
Add some pizzazz to your home with the Ice N' Roses® Red Hellebore. Buy yours today!
1. Planting: This plant likes to grow in soil that is rich in humus, well-drained, and consistently moist in an area with full sunlight to partial shade. Once established, it requires minimal care. Hellebores have deep roots, so if you plan to grow them in a container, make sure to use one that is deep enough. The container should be thick-walled and large enough to prevent the soil from freezing, as the plant cannot absorb water when the roots are frozen.
2. Watering: Make sure to provide enough water, especially after planting. Plants in containers should never be allowed to dry out completely, but be careful to avoid waterlogged conditions.
3. Pruning: After spending, cut back flower heads to prevent volunteer seedlings or promote new foliage. Remove old or damaged leaves and dead flowers before planting to allow new leaves to develop.
4. Fertilizing: It is recommended to use a standard planting medium with a pH level that is not too acidic. Avoid using peat moss as it is not suitable for planting.