Fragrant lavender flower clusters bloom mid to late spring, filling your yard with sweet smelling fragrances for weeks, if not months.
These plants are so aromatic.
These lilac shrubs make excellent hedges. They mature up to 8-15 feet tall, and give you a flowering alternative to most privacy shrubs. Trim once a year or leave them alone to grow into their natural form.
Purple Lilac bushes reach their full size in a hurry... so you get a mature hedge quickly. Known for its cold hardiness, these lilacs will thrive in the north.
Adaptable to most soil conditions, and pest resistant, too! A fast grower that requires minimal care... just plant it and forget it!
Gives your yard unequivocal fragrance and color for a lifetime!
Common Purple Lilacs also know as (Syringa vulgaris) are one of the most popular fragrant multi blooming shrubs. These plants can bloom gorgeous white, pink or lavender clusters and reach a height of 8-15 ft. Lilac growth can range from 12-24 inches yearly; depending your growing environment and conditions. They are best grown in zones 3-7.
Choosing a location: Lilacs can tolerate full sun to partial shade, but prefer 6 hours of sun for the best bloom. In warmer climates plant your lilacs in afternoon shade so that they are not exposed to hot afternoon sun. Lilacs prefer rich, moist soil but do not like to be in areas that retain water for a long period of time.
Planting directions:
1) After choosing your area, dig a hole that is twice as wide and just as deep as the container that the plant arrives in.
2) Carefully remove the plant from the container. Lightly tapping the container will help to loosen it if it is difficult to remove.
3) Lightly comb the roots with your fingers to loosen the roots so that the spread out more quickly.
4) Place your plant in the hole so that the top of the soil is even with the surrounding soil level.
5) Back fill with a mixture of native soil and compost. These plants like rich soil so you can use a 50/50 mixture of compost and native soil. Water after every few inches to remove any air pockets. Tamp the soil well when done to eliminate air pockets.
6) Water well when done and cover the area with mulch to protect the roots and help them conserve moisture.
Watering: Lilacs like moist but not wet soil, they will need to be watered regularly while establishing. They’ll need water once or twice a week (sometimes more in extreme heat), allowing the soil to dry 1-2 inches down before watering again.
Pruning: Lilacs do not need much pruning except to remove damaged or crossing branches. If you remove faded or spent flowers immediately, it will increase the amount of flowers the following season.
Fertilization: Fertilize lilacs in early spring before bloom with a well balanced fertilizer to encourage growth and blooms. A 10-10-10 or all purpose shrub fertilizer will be adequate, please read and follow the label instructions.