Why Sawtooth Oak Trees?
Want the majestic presence and shade coverage of an Oak, but don't want to wait 50 years? The Sawtooth Oak, an Asian Oak that has been grown in the U.S. since the mid 1800s, fills the bill! It grows at the pace of 1 to 3 feet a year, and can reach 30 feet in 15 years.
Its spreading habit creates a wide canopy of cooling shade. This fast-growing tree starts out with a pyramidal shape, but it matures to a broad, rounded canopy with dense leaves for effortless shade. New leaves emerge a bright yellow-green, darken to lustrous mid green in summer, and then turn rich gold and russet in the fall. They have distinctive toothed edges, inspiring the tree's common name.
Why Fast-Growing-Trees.com is Better
First, this tough tree is untroubled by diseases, drought or pollution. Strong and adaptable, it makes a stately, carefree shade tree in your yard, lining a long drive or along a street.
But the best part is the fact that we've planted, grown and nurtured our Sawtooth Oaks for amazing results in your own landscape. Now, you reap the rewards of strong, healthy good looks...we've done the hard work at our nursery so that you get a head start.
Don't wait - get your own Sawtooth Oak Tree today!
1. Planting: Your planting site should be made of loose, quality soil with plenty of sun. When you're ready to plant, dig your hole two times the width and the same depth as the root system of the tree. Position the tree into the hole and hold it straight as you begin to back fill. When refilling the hole with soil, be sure to completely cover your roots and tamp down the soil so there are no air pockets underground.
Cover the roots completely with soil but leave the stem above ground. Water the oak's planting site to settle the soil and then mulch to retain moisture.
2. Watering: During the first year, make sure your Sawtooth Oak Tree gets water during extended dry spells, particularly in the summer months. If you're not sure when to water, simply check the surrounding soil at a depth of 3 inches - if the soil is dry here, water your Sawtooth.
3. Fertilizing: Fertilize conservatively. Organic fertilizer high in nitrogen works well. You can use a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 fertilizer and follow label instructions.