Why Weeping Willows?
Sweeping, low branches and a familiar, falling canopy. The Weeping Willow is a favorite among tree lovers for its dramatic appearance and rounded, weeping shape. Plus, it's perfect for those looking for character and classic looks, adding value to their property. The Weeping Willow is an excellent shade tree that's always in high demand.
And it's one of the fastest growing shade trees, growing up to 3-4 feet in one year. Willows start out thin, with only a few branches that point upward against the trunk. But after growing quickly to a height around 10 feet, they burst forth with more and more branches that arch outward, forming the weeping canopy that makes them famous.
Why FastGrowingTrees.com is Better
Though Weeping Willows are often found near rivers, lakes and wetlands, they can grow just about anywhere, even demonstrating some tolerance to drought. They're highly adaptable to all kinds of soils and growing conditions, even helping to prevent soil erosion.
It's known for its excellent green hues during the spring and summer and boasts virtually no tree litter. But the best part is we've planted, grown, and nurtured your Weeping Willow from day one...now, you reap the rewards of our hard work at the nursery.
The Weeping Willow: Known for its grace and beauty, made even better by our healthy, happy variety. Order one (or more) of your own today!
1. Planting: Plant your Weeping Willow in full sun to partial shade (any area with about 4 to 8 hours of sunlight per day), select a site with well-drained soil, and space at least 35 feet from your septic system or leach field. When you're ready to plant, dig a hole three times the width and just as deep as the root ball on your tree. Place your tree in the hole, straighten it, gently back fill the soil and tamp it down. After this process is complete, give your tree a long drink of water until the soil becomes moist.
Spreading a layer of mulch that’s about three inches thick around the base of your tree will help the soil retain moisture and prevent weeds from growing.
2. Watering: You should regularly water your Weeping Willow for the first year to keep soil evenly moist (about once or twice weekly). Water your Willow only during dry periods in successive years. Although Weeping Willows prefer moist soil, they adapt easily to drier soil.
3. Fertilizing: Choose a brand that has equal parts of each chemical component, such as 10-10-10 or 20-20-20, or a similar product, for optimum results. Applying fertilizer that contains nitrogen produces greener, lusher plants, and accelerates growth. Fertilize in early spring, before new growth begins.
4. Pruning: Thinning the crown increases air circulation, which pushes wind through the tree and helps prevent disease. A good rule of thumb is to prune 2 inches between branches at the top of the tree during early spring, before new growth emerges.
Also, trim back any branches dragging the ground. And pinch or clip off nubs that grow from the trunk to maintain the classic Weeping shape. Broken branches, dead branches, or diseased wood can be removed year-round.
Yes, the entire willow family, including the Weeping Willow, are considered fast-growing and can put on multiple feet of growth in one year.
The symbolism of the Weeping Willow changes depending on culture and beliefs, but most meanings revolve around the same concept, being that the branches represent growth and flexibility during life's challenging times.
Weeping Willows do best in evenly moist soil, full sun and with room to grow away from structures.
You can plant your Willow Trees every 10, 15 or 20 feet, depending on how tight you’d like to cluster your trees. They eventually reach a mature width of about 30 to 50 feet but cascade downwards, allowing you to plant closer clusters.
Weeping Willow Trees reach a mature height of about 30 to 50 feet after approximately 15 to 20 years. If you’d like a more immediate impact, we recommend ordering our larger sizes.