Easy Growth Meets a Fruitful, Delicious Tree
Versatility, from good looks to amazing bushels of fruit, defines the Nectarine Tree. A fast-growing, low-maintenance and often ornamental beauty, the Nectarine Tree is highly adaptable and well-suited to a number of roles in your landscape: Small spaces, places for showy hedges, accents and more.
What Makes Our Nectarine Trees the Best?
- Our Nectarines are highly adaptable and ready to acclimate to most climates, making them a great value and ideal fit for nearly any landscape.
- We have a unique selection of Nectarine Trees, meaning you’ll have the right tree for your area – and a great deal of fresh fruit without hassle.
- Because our Nectarine Trees are grafted and grown from mature rootstock, they provide bigger, better results. So, expensive supermarket trips? Unnecessary.
- Our Nectarine Trees are self-fertile, so you’ll only get fruit with one plant (though additional trees mean larger crops.
How to Plant Nectarine Trees
Like most of our fruit trees, Nectarine Trees are simple to plant and maintain, especially since we’ve grown and cared for them long before they arrive to your door. When you plant our compact, versatile Nectarine Trees, you’ll get fresh, healthful fruit in the most effortless, cost-effective way.
When? Plant your Nectarines during the dormant season, which is typically late winter to early spring.
Where? If you’re planting outdoors, choose a location with adequate sun and well-drained soil, in a hole large enough to accommodate the tree’s root ball. If you’re planting in a container, the directions are the same, but ensure the pot has drainage holes and accommodates the size of your plant and its root ball.
How? Place your Nectarine Tree in a hole big enough to accommodate entire root ball, pack the soil or backfill the soil tightly and water. It’s that easy.
Nectarine Trees Care
Because we’ve grafted your tree for best results, you can expect consistency and ease for the life of your Nectarine Tree. We’ve worked hard to ensure your tree thrives at our nursery…and beyond. So, you’ll get the same great-tasting fruit and no-hassle consistency, season after season.
When to Prune Nectarine Trees and More
It’s simple – we follow the five Ps: Planting, Pruning, Pollination, Picking and Preparation.
Planting: After you’ve chosen a sunny area, place your Nectarine Tree in a hole big enough to accommodate its entire root system (two or three times as wide as the root ball and just as deep), pack the soil tightly and water. Water it thoroughly once it’s established (around once each week).
Pruning: When you’re ready to prune your Nectarine Tree, prune it during early winter to maintain its shape and ideal growth. Prune any broken, diseased or damaged areas to clean up your Nectarine.
Pollination: Our Nectarine Trees are self-fertile; however, purchasing two or more trees ensures a dramatically-increased crop and more variety.
Picking: Nectarines do not continue to ripen after they’re picked, but they do soften. Nectarines that are ready to be picked can be easily tugged from your tree’s branches.
Preparation: To store nectarines, harvest the fruit when it’s firm and ripe, and store the fruit in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.