This unique variety of BerryBux® Blueberry seamlessly combines the classic appeal of boxwood-like foliage with the delightful addition of sweet, aromatic blueberries. Whether in the ground or in containers, BerryBux® adapts effortlessly with the convenience of a self-pollinating variety.
With a compact growth habit, BerryBux® is tailor-made for a variety of uses. Whether planted as a charming hedge, in groups for a captivating garden display, or even in containers, this versatile blueberry bush brings beauty and functionality to any space.
BerryBux® is low-maintenance and easy to care for. In spring, you can expect delicate white flowers, then as it transitions to July, the bush comes alive with small, deep blue berries, heightened by a sweet aroma.
For the best berry production, ensure you fertilize regularly during spring and summer. The BerryBux® also thrives in a larger container. Grow your own bounty of berries with the ease and convenience of the BerryBux® Blueberry plant today!
About Bushel and Berry®: Bushel and Berry® makes growing fruit at home easy and fun for everyone! Just as delicious as they are beautiful, these edible plants are compact, self-pollinating, and perfect for the patio.
1. Planting: Plant the BerryBux® Blueberry plant in well-draining, acidic soil with a soil pH of 4.5 to 5.5 for best growth. Ideally, you should check the soil pH levels using a soil pH kit prior to planting the BerryBux® Blueberry plant because if the soil pH is not ideal, the plant will fail to grow well or produce berries.
Choose a place in the yard in full sun. Dig a hole that is twice as large as the plant's root system. Set the plant’s root ball into the hole and fill with soil. Press the soil down around the plant’s roots to firm and remove all air pockets.
Apply a three-inch layer of mulch around the BerryBux® Blueberry plant to inhibit unwanted weed growth and keep the soil moist.
2. Watering: The BerryBux® Blueberry plant does not tolerate drought. It requires moist soil to thrive. Water the plant at least once per week to keep the soil moist. Mulching can help retain soil moisture.
3. Fertilizing: Fertilize your BerryBux® Blueberry with an acid fertilizer such as those that are commonly used for rhododendrons and azaleas. Follow the directions on the fertilizer’s label for application ratios.
4. Pruning: Prune the BerryBux® Blueberry plant in the early spring. Remove all dead, damaged, and non-fruiting branches.
5. Pollination: The BerryBux® Blueberry is self-pollinating so you only need one to produce fruit.