Why Jacaranda Trees?
Incredible, long-lasting purple blooms in spring give way to rich, yellow hues in the fall, making the Jacaranda Tree a season-to-season star that stands out in Arizona. Fernlike foliage lends volume to its bold, dramatic silhouette for an Arizona landscape look unlike any other.
Deep color emerges from its clusters of spring blossoms, which are visually breathtaking. A sea of lavender decorates the tree before leaves grow and makes the tree striking in Arizona. But in addition to its unmatched beauty, the Jacaranda is fast-growing and drought-tolerant, adapting well to tough Arizona conditions.
Large, silky flowers hang in heavy, full bunches, ushering Arizona summer in after spring with ease. When the trumpet-shaped blooms finally fall, they form a lilac carpet beneath the awe-inspiring Jacaranda for luxuriant curb appeal.
Strength in beauty defines the unparalleled Jacaranda Tree in Arizona. The powerful trunk and thick branches that hoist all those lovely blooms and gilt leaves are strong and resilient. It's a tough tree that grows to a sturdy height and will thrive in a variety of soil types.
NOTE: This product is specific to Arizona. Find Jacaranda Trees available in other states.
1. Planting: The Jacaranda is a full sun (6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day) lover that prefers well-drained soil.
Plant your Jacaranda in a hole that is 2 to 3 times the width of the container (the root ball), and just as deep. Place your tree and begin backfilling the hole, tamping down as you go to prevent air pockets. Place a thick layer of mulch over the planting area to protect the roots from fluctuating temperatures as well as help the tree to conserve water. Finally, water the tree well to saturate the entire planting area.
2. Watering: Water the Jacaranda Tree once or twice weekly while it's establishing. Once established, the trees will only need water during times of extreme drought.
3. Fertilizing: Jacaranda Trees need very little fertilizer, but if you want to speed up growth, you can use a well balanced, slow-release formula, such a 10-10-10, in early spring.
4. Pruning: Only remove dead or damaged limbs.
Jacaranda trees are native to the tropics of South America and therefore grow best in tropical environments in Zones 10-11 in the U.S. where conditions are similar.
We think so! There are many reasons to love jacarandas, from unique, purple blooms that cover the trees in spring to summer to the attractive, fern-shaped leaves. The jacaranda is also drought-tolerant, and resistant to several pests and diseases.
Invasiveness depends on where you live and how invasive the plant is in that location. In general, jacarandas have vigorous root systems and are known to be invasive in Hawaii, Australia, Kenya, South Africa and Zambia.