There is no substitute for the vigorous and dynamic PowerPuff Pink®! This incredible climbing rose is a distinct and special landscape addition with its large, bright pink blooms. Layer upon layer of petals are reminiscent of peonies, with cupped and quartered flowers that appear in clusters of 4 to 6 per stem.
PowerPuff Pink® puts on its first show of electric pink bursts in the spring, then reblooms throughout the season. You will never tire of the light, sweet fragrance, which has notes of lemongrass and fresh linen.
Offset with glossy, dark green glossy foliage, the colorful PowerPuff Pink® is hardy and disease resistant. These vivid roses do well in many climates, including hot and dry conditions. Order your striking and resilient PowerPuff Pink® Rose today!
1. Planting: Find a spot with well-drained soil and full sun (6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day).
Plant your PowerPuff Pink® rose in a hole twice as wide but just as deep as the root ball. Water immediately to establish roots. Add a 3-inch layer of mulch to prevent weeds.
If you're planting in a container, select a pot that's about twice the size of your plant's shipped container and use organic soil. Place your rose, water to settle its roots, and find a sunny spot on your porch or patio to place your container.
2. Watering: Newly planted roses should be watered every 3-4 days until established. Once established, water weekly, or check the surrounding soil. When the soil is dry about 3 inches down, it's time to water your rose.
If your rose is container-planted, water until you see it flowing from the drainage holes at the bottom.
3. Fertilizing: Feed with a liquid rose fertilizer, once in the spring and once in the summer. Follow the instructions on the package.
4. Pruning: Other than shaping, no pruning is required.